Monday, 30 November 2009

The Best Crisps Of All Time

As judged by a panel of myself and @pipboy2009 on Twitter.

1. Steak McCoy's
2. Salt & Vinegar Squares
3. Pickled Onion Monster Munch
4. Walker's Cheese & Onion
5. Plain Hula Hoops
6. Salt & Vinegar French Fries
7. Pringles
8. Cool Original Doritos
9. Cheesy Wotsits
10. Quavers

1 comment:

  1. Can't believe you given Wotsits such a low rating. Sir, that is a travesty of justice! Pringles as well? Now that's just wrong. Good to see Monster Munch riding high though. Have I really been underestimating Salt & Vinigar Squares for all these years?
